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H 1 Eating Well When You Have Cancer

Extrait de la présentation:
«This booklet provides information about eating during cancer treatment and recovery. It’s written for you and the caregivers who help you plan, shop for and cook meals. You don’t have to read this booklet from beginning to end. Instead, use it as a guide and read the parts you need when you need them.
Some of the topics that you will find in this booklet are how to:
• plan nutritious meals
• deal with eating-related side effects from treatment
• cook and store food safely
• find nutrition information you can trust
Throughout this booklet you will hear from Canadians who have been where you are now and from dietitians who help people just like you. We hope their words help you understand that you are not alone
and there is help when you need it.«

Niveau d'autorisation : 0

Date de Mise en ligne : 2023-12-29

Localisation : Québec

Langue : Anglais

No de document : 8840


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